copy of The Singles - A Winter Blessing The Gift
Product Description
SEAY A Winter Blessing - The Gift High Resolution Listening
96k 24 bit
1. Father Christmas Eyes - 4:42
2. On This Starry Night - 3:07
SEAY The Singles from A Winter Blessing - The Gift
This special 2 song single recording in High Resolution listening celebrates the sacredness of the time of year for people all over the world and the beauty of the season:
Mastered by Oscarwinning Grammy Winning PA Deepak of Sk Music Works, Mumbai and Mixed by Grammy Winning Brian Vibberts of Vibberts Mixing, Los Angeles.
A time of love compassion and worship. A collection of sacred songs and music for winter and Christmas features Seay’s album "A Winter Blessing" along with 6 new bonus pieces. Special guest performances from Seay’s ensemble of grammy winning musicians: Pat Thomi, Jerry Watts Jr., Geoff Koch, Stephen Peppos, Geoff Stradling, Scott W. Hallgren, John Billings, Jules Delgado.
Mixed by 6 time Grammy winning engineer Brian Vibberts, veteran engineer Jeff Silverman and mastered by Oscar winning PA Deepak, Grammy winning Ricky Kej and Vanil Vegas at Raevolution Studios, Bangalore India. The song "All Around The World" was the theme of Project Peace on Earth’s Love All, live from Bethlehem and the opening ceremonies of World Peace Day.
May this music light the world in Peace and good will for all people everywhere. God's highest blessings to you always, Merry Christmas Joyeux Noel, SEAY
“Father Christmas Eyes”, “On This Starry Night” Mixed By Brian Vibberts, Vibberts Mixing, Los Angeles, California
Songs And Music
“On This Starry Night”, Written by Seay, Tuscan Sun Music sesac
“Father Christmas Eyes” Don Black, Julia Downes, Johnny Warman, Warner Chappell Music
“On This Starry Night” (Journey of the Magi) Vocals, produced and arranged, Engineered : Seay, Piano, bows, Synths, Dulcimer, Seay
“Father Christmas Eyes”, Arranged By Geoff Koch, Koch Productions, Nashville, Tennessee
Vocals, Produced Engineered Arranged: Seay,
Mixing : Brian Vibberts, Vibberts Mixing, Los Angeles California
Artwork Photography and Cover Image and Design:
Nora Canfield, MsDig Photography,, Hendersonville, Tennessee
Graphic Design:
Elizabeth Mancuso, Mancuso Creative, Franklin, Tennessee Creative Concept and Art Direction,
All Rights Reserved:
SEAY Tuscan Sun Music Label Tuscan Sun Music sesac
throughout the universe - -
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