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"We are joined together by our very existence. Across this earth, through every sea,we are made of the same stuff of the universe. There is a knowing, a recognition that every living thing is connected, there is a grand design. This is the seed from which this music project came to life."

In the Garden  - Seay


To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour"  

 William Blake


"From harmony, from heavely harmony this universal frame began. From harmony to harmony, through all the compass notes it ran, the diapson closing full in man."

Sir John Dryden


"Every ecosystem contains aninterlinked diversity of life, where each animal and plant is dependant upon the health of it's neighbors. Among the most diverse ecosystems on our earth are the delicately balanced coral reefs."



"We must be the change we wish to see in the world"

mahatma ghandi




“There is a grand design. Across this earth, through every sea, we are made of the same stuff of the universe.  There is a knowing, a recognition that every thing is connected like the petals of a flower. This was the seed, a special garden, The Alhambra from which this music project came to life. “ 


From the roar of our earth’s ocean, the falling rain, the sound of the wind, every living thing, atom and particle is energy, vibration, spirit, sound. We are one, joined together by our very existence, like the blood of one family. Music, a universal force connects us, beyond language, across barriers building bridges between people and fostering life.


The visionary author and scientist Carl Sagan said it perfectly, “We are made of star stuff, forged from the dust of the universe”. There is beauty and life unfolding in each and everyone of us and throughout the cosmos. If we slow down long enough to experience it, the things the creator has gifted us, are waiting there. It is our personal and global destiny, our evolution, to become consciously aware and filled with God’s wonder, moment by moment and what it creates through us to heal, uplift and transform our reality. 






"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens"

Ecclesiastes 3


"Whether it be the shape of a plant, the arrangements of petals in a flower or the harmonies of the music made when it is constructed according t othis numerical relationship we call it beautiful"

 the Fibonacci sequence


"What we do to the web of life, we do to ourselves." 

Chief Seattle


It seems to me that we have no choice but to live in harmony. By taking nature as our tutor it might be easier than we think to build a more durable and more pleasant society. And what is the alternative? Carrying on as we are now, we know will court disaster. There is no option  but to seek change, the question is what kind, and how?

Prince Charles








IN THE GARDEN is the fourth music release from artist vocalist and composer Seay. Featuring her uplifting voice and music,  with her extraordinary team,  this beautiful inpsirational music project is filled with lush orchestration, elegant pianos, world rhythms and universal sentiments of connection. Drawing upon new age and world musical influences, this special 12 song collection was born of collaborations from the across the globe in celebration of the earth, the oceans and each of us as human beings. We hope you will listen on to the beautiful musical artistry and textures of this  extraordinary project and journey with Seay featuring her evocative voice and music alongside several renowned instrumentalists . We thank you for listening the sound of Seay, music for the soul.


“There is a grand design. Across this earth, through every sea, we are made of the same stuff of the universe.  There is a knowing, a recognition that every thing is connected like the petals of a flower. This was the seed, a special garden, The Alhambra from which this music project came to life. “ 


From the roar of our earth’s ocean, the falling rain, the sound of the wind, every living thing, atom and particle is energy, vibration, spirit, sound. We are one, joined together by our very existence, like the blood of one family. Music, a universal force connects us, beyond language, across barriers building bridges between people and fostering life.


The visionary author and scientist Carl Sagan said it perfectly, “We are made of star stuff, forged from the dust of the universe”. There is beauty and life unfolding in each and everyone of us and throughout the cosmos. If we slow down long enough to experience it, the things the creator has gifted us, are waiting there. It is our personal and global destiny, our evolution, to become consciously aware and filled with God’s wonder, moment by moment and what it creates through us to heal, uplift and transform our reality. 







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